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  1. PG11: Introduction to VBA
  2. PG11-1: VBA Part 1
  3. PG11-2: VBA Part 2
  4. PG12-1: Integrating Microsoft Excel and Access with AutoCAD VBA
  5. PG12-2: Fundamentals of AutoLISP
  6. PG21-2: Object Oriented Programming
  7. PG22-2: Super Scripting Secrets
  8. PG31: Error Trapping and Good Programming Practices
  9. PG31-1: Toolbar Quirks and Perks
  10. PG32-1: An Idiots Guide to AutoLISP
  11. PG33-1: AutoCAD Hackers Handbook
  12. PG33-2: Creating Intelligent Parts Libraries
  13. PG34-2: VBA Objects - Using Custom Objects
  14. PG41-2: Extended Entity Data
  15. PG42: High Stress AutoLISP