View Full Version : Standard Setup

2009-08-03, 03:50 PM
I need to create a default wd_m block so that I can use it to update my drawings but something is wrong....

The history is that the wire layers are wrong so what I have done is copy a working (or so I thought) drawing, stripped out everything but the wd_m block and purged everything to leave the correct layers and the wd_m block. I then saved it as wd_m.dwg in the shared library.

From experience if you use the 'Update to new wd_m block, layers and values' function you cannot insert the block as I have it as the block in the wd_m.dwg file is itself called wd_m so you have to explode it....this is where the problems start.

Using the 'Enhanced attribute editor' to view the block, all the attributes in the block appear to have the correct values however when I explode it, all the attributes default back to their original values.

How can you stop it doing this?


2009-08-07, 04:41 AM
Ok, the changed information will not be kept when a block is exploded. Blocks are funny that way.
Using "Enhanced attribute editor" changes the attribute but not the default in the block.

So, explode the block and purge the block name wd_m. Next double click on each attribute to change the default. Finally save the drawing.

2009-08-07, 06:40 AM
Thanks Renata,

I gave this a go and appears to work nicely :)