View Full Version : Missing Revit MEP 2009 Tutorial File

2009-10-06, 07:53 PM
Hello -

I am looking for the i_Office Building.rvt tutorial file. I have been all over the Autodesk website and it appears that they have removed the 2009 support files. Our license is a server license so I do not have easy access to the original disk.

Thanks for any and all help

2009-10-28, 06:10 AM
If your company was farsighted enough to have anyone trained by their reseller, there may well exist some documentation that would aid you, including a cdrom of the class files. Alternatively, you can also, if they were not that farsighted, but smart enough to have a subscription, get additional resources from Autodesk. If they just aren't that smart, you could try Paul Aubin's web site where some such may be found free gratis, or you could spring for one of his many no doubt excellent publications. If this isn't such a great idea, http://therevitkid.blogspot.com will lead you to some free goodies, a series not yet complete, but most satisfying in their content.

2009-10-28, 07:17 AM
The 2009 tutorials pages were missing in action for a little while. The paths have been restored, I just checked tonight. Follow this LINK (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=13273115) to access the 2009 Tutorials at Autodesk. Just pick the appropriate language from the listed links.