View Full Version : Volumes in Earthwork Table in each section

2010-01-13, 09:06 PM
I have inserted a table in each section view of a section view group. My table compares the existing surface to my proposed surface to give me cut and fill areas and cut and fill volumes. These four values are correct for each section view. However, I need to have a net volume for each section; that is, incremental cut minus incremental fill.

Upon editing the table style, the property fields that I can reference to insert into the table include only the net cummulative volume from a particular section to the beginning of the aligment. In addition, it is of opposite sign that I want; that is, cummulative fill minus cummulative cut.

I can't seem to see where I can add an expression to calculate it myself. So, how can I insert the incremental volume for each individual section? And how can I reverse the sign to make fill negative? (We pay for cut earthwork, so this should be the positive value.)


2010-01-16, 01:44 AM
I can't think of any way to do this off the top of my head. Doesn't look like any expressions are available for this type of table unfortunately.