View Full Version : Global material / wall types

2010-04-30, 10:37 PM
I'm working on a project with several buildings and we have broken them down to seperate models. Does anyone know how we can share wall types and materials across these models so that we don't have to recreate them for each building?


2010-05-01, 10:49 PM
Are you referring to a specific application such as Revit? Application-specific questions should be asked in those fourms.

Revit has a Transfer Project Standards feature.

2010-09-20, 03:45 PM
There is more to my brief answer than what I am listing, but you can create wall types and materials out as groups, Then you can save them out to a library where you can select what wall types and materials you want to include. What the previous poster stated is correct, you can transfer project standards, but then you get all wall types and all materials. In some cases you may not want this.
