View Full Version : RSA seismic UBC 97

2010-05-14, 12:32 PM
hi could anyone notice about the seismic in UBC 97, you are going to fill it up and as you have try to see there is a box there indicating the source of seismic meaning how far is your structure to the seismic fault. and during the design of concrete it will again ask you about seismic risk wether low, moderate or high.

my problem was what is the significance of using low or moderate or high seismic risk were in I already fill up the seismic load. is it safe to use low seismic risk?

2010-08-05, 06:15 PM
it depend on your building location
is the building located in low or high seismic zone
based on that you can select as per your country regulations

length zero
2010-08-07, 09:53 PM
if you are asking for calculation options at RC design layout, You have sets
Seismic DC L
Seismic DC M
Seismic DC H,

These sets are used for designing of structural elements with seismic detailing conditions confor ductility which you have chosen, and robot will propose you reinforcemet distribution ,confinement of concrete with stirrups, minimal required reinforcement area depending on ductility requirement, although column ( for example ) is loaded with very small forces and bending moments.

In other words:
If an column is loaded with one set of N, Mx, My, and if you design column with thre sets (Standard,Seismic DC L, Seismic DC M, Seismic DC H) i tell you that you will have totally diferent results of:
Reinforcement Area, Reinforcement pattern and confinement stirrups.

Hope it help


2010-08-09, 03:00 AM
yes I know about that it will vary depending whether low, moderate or high seismic risk, but my problem was how can i tell that my design was safe using Low seismic risk