View Full Version : Union two 3D objects

2005-01-14, 07:42 PM
Is there a process to seperate two 3D sloids after you have unioned and save then closed the file and reopened the drawing.

The Explode command reducess the 3D solid to 2D lines and circles.

It was simpler to recreate the 3D solid, but there is another way I saw at a Autodesk siminar. I just can't remember how she accomplished it!

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When unioning two round objects together with one cylinder end into the middle of the other cylinder it apperars to be joined correctly. After Rendering the handle breaks appear where they are joined. (Ugly :->)

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Dose the AUGI Guild still exist?

2005-01-14, 08:15 PM
Is there a process to seperate two 3D sloids after you have unioned and save then closed the file and reopened the drawing.

Try either seperate or slice, depending on the situation.

When unioning two round objects together with one cylinder end into the middle of the other cylinder it apperars to be joined correctly. After Rendering the handle breaks appear where they are joined. (Ugly :->)

Not sure what you're describing here and I've got an older CAD version. Were you doing a full photo real render or just a quick basic one?

2005-01-24, 08:34 PM
You have two 3D cylinders on the same axis and one is rotated on the Z axis 90 degrees. Now there is one cylinder center points in the Y direction and one cylinder with center points in the X direction. Move the center point of the cylinder on the X axis to the mid point on the cylinder on the Y axis.

Change View Ports to a top down view of cylinder on the Y axis. Move the cylinder on the X axis until all four Quadrants are contacting the cylinder on the Y axis. At this point union the two cylinders.

Now add a point light or spot light.

Ready to Render and see the something strange!

It even uglier when imported to 3DS Max