View Full Version : Multiple Boundaries

2011-11-14, 08:10 PM
Let me preface this by saying that I have enough knowledge about civil 3d to be dangerous...:)

Having said that, I've created my surface and have created multiple boundaries (for ponds), but each boundary I create the previous one disappears. For ex. I create boundary 1, the surface shows, then I create boundary 2 and number 1 with the surface disappears. This repeats for every subsequent boundary I create.

I would like to see all the surfaces, if possible. I have attached an image.

The surface on the right was the last boundary I created.

Thank you for any information.

2011-11-14, 11:16 PM

Is it possible that each boundary you're creating is set to be an "Outer" boundary? There can only be one of these per surface. One strategy here could be to create one single "outer" boundary, and then create the others as "show" boundaries.


2011-11-15, 03:05 PM
Have you tried adjusting the order in which the boundaries are applied?
(Surface Properties, Definition Tab, Operation Type - where you can move items up or down in the list)

2011-11-23, 06:53 AM

Now for a completely different idea. As it appears that each group of points is creating an individual Pond;I make the following suggestion.

Create a point group for each pond area.
For each Point group creating in the step above, create one each POND Surface and apply boundaries as required to each to limit the extraneous Tin Lines. Or edit the surface and delete those exterior TIN lines, your choice.
In this manner there will be a unique surface for each pond, which you might find handy for volume reports.

Happy Ponding!