View Full Version : Corrupt Drawing: Section Views Moved

2012-01-12, 04:39 PM
We have a stream channel alignment/profile cross section drawing with 50+ section views. Some section views were created as part of 8 separate section view groups while some were created individually. The drawing is apparently corrupted; many of the section views that belong to groups have moved on their own, perhaps back to the XY coordinates at which they were originally located. The individual section views are still in their original locations.

Has anyone seen this problem? The drawing was created in C3D 2009 but we've since upgraded to 2011.

2012-01-12, 06:40 PM
there is nothing that would prevent you fram A) Moving them back to where you want them to be.
B) creating new versions of them and inserting tme where you want them to be

I can't confirm the issue, however I'm fair certain autodesk will not offer a fix for it.

2012-01-12, 07:07 PM

One thing you may want to consider if you make new section views is to add extra sample lines at the end of your alignment. By doing this, you make it easier on yourself if you try to add new sections in the future.

With extra sample lines, it would be much easier to move the sample line in order to get a new section view than it would be to cut a new section that is not directly related to the group. When you update the section view group layout then, it will adjust everything to the new sample line stationing and you wouldn't have to do your manual moving of section views.

This is the method I use to add driveway or intermediate sections in the middle of a large project as a later time. I usually add the sample lines at an interval of 0.1 foot at the end of the alignment, and try to add enough to cover all the future drives that I think I might add.

I hope I've explained this thoroughly.

2012-01-12, 07:42 PM
Thanks for the replies.

Moving them manually back to their original locations would be a simple task if we hadn't added linework and text to each section view. We need to establish before & after reference points to move them back to precisely their original location.

On future projects we're going to create all section views individually to avoid this hassle again.

2012-01-13, 01:17 PM
We had the exact same problem upgrading from 2009 to 2012. Use the recover command to open the drawings in the newer version. You must do this before saving the file in the newer version.

2012-01-13, 03:07 PM
Today we've been opening (via Recover) one backup copy after another of this same drawing, archived at regular intervals throughout detailed design. In every instance, all of the section views that belong to a section view group have moved. Some of these drawings haven't been opened in months. Seriously, are we to expect that drawings can go kaplooey overnight like spoiled milk???

2012-01-24, 03:18 PM
Art, can I see some sample files, to see if there is something else to be done?

2012-01-24, 04:19 PM
Did RECOVER work on the 2009 sections? Or had you already saved them in 2012?

2012-01-24, 04:32 PM
@mjfarrell: file size is over the 2MB limit. (8 MB)
@jpaulsen: RECOVER was unsuccessful on backup copies that were saved as 2007 version using C3D 2009, and also unsuccessful on our working copy that was already saved in 2011 format.

2012-01-24, 05:06 PM
Sorry Art. I didn't see your reply on the 13th until now.

I am not sure why recover isn't working for you. We have used it on 3 projects so far (about 30 section sheets) and all the sections are placed exactly where they were in 2009.

2012-01-24, 05:14 PM

As far as getting linework and text, etc. to display on each section, I completely understand what you are dealing with. While I am not sure I have a specific suggestion to help with your current situation, I do have some tips to help you next time or if you rebuild.

I'd recommend against building all section views individually. First, it takes a lot of time. Plus, you may still have problems if you have to reorder, rearrange, resize, change your elevation range, etc.

Instead, when you create your section view group, add extra sample lines to the end that you can move to create new sections as you need them (driveways, structure locations, etc.)

As far as your added linework and text in your sections, try using feature lines and blocks on your plan. For example, if I have a note that I want to add to eight consecutive cross sections, I make a block of the note, make a marker style of the block, and then make a feature line using that marker style If you give your feature line a Z elevation to the existing surface, you can use Project Objects to Multiple Section Views to display your note on the cross sections. They will automatically adjust whenever you move sections, add sections, etc.

I also use Project Objects to Multiple Section Views to add blocks. If you make a block of your linework, insert your block at the desired location on plan, you can project it to the sections as well.

Play around with that. There are plenty of uses if you think outside the box. You can add anything to a section if you make it a block inserted on your plan.

2012-01-24, 05:14 PM
my question would be how were those sections created?

Are they 'draft' layouts or otherwise?

could it be that the template (layout) settings need to be set correctly in the command and feature settings first?