View Full Version : 2014 Structure Size Formulas In The Part Builder

Al Moroz
2013-07-10, 08:30 PM
I'm thinking that this is not possible, but here goes.

We're trying to build a manhole. The wall thickness is 8" up to 12' depth. Deeper than 12' requires a 12" thick wall. Likewise, the floor thickness will need to be 12" up to 12' deep and 15" for deeper. I've been playing around with the Calculation Assistant with no luck. I did see some information about editing size formulas in the xml file. I'm thinking that a if-then formula may be the trick.

Does anyone know if this can be done and how would you go about it?

Thanks in advance.

2013-07-16, 06:35 PM
instead of a formula, I would use the table format option for the sizes. I haven't had any luck (or that much time) to come up with enough conditions to make the parts work in such a way.

Typically, at least from looking at county details, I can't imagine that you need to type in all 200 sizes, I would just add them as you go for that particular part detail.

That's at least how I have been doing it.