View Full Version : 2015 Autoloader can't validate, mass fix?

2015-02-06, 08:05 PM
I'm using Vault Basic, I have hundreds of files, .iams, .ipts, and .dwgs all designed with my custom templates I made a few months ago.

I apparently made 1 or 2 screw ups when making my templates that seemed really nice at the time, but have become major issues loading into Vault.

1) I have an iTrigger that launches a form to populate drawing details, since I use it as rev control also though, I made it trigger After Document Save.

At first I meant to have it trigger BEFORE, however it was corrupting the form in my drawing anytime I started a new drawing from the template because for some reason if the form would try to launch before initial save it would throw up an error and I would have to copy, delete, and then paste the form. I "Fixed" this by making it launch AFTER document save, "yay".

2) Our company logo dxf from Autocad was really old and made up of hundreds of splines, so it made Inventor bog way down, so I just took a screen shot of it, made it a jpg and inserted the jpg into the template, much faster loads on Inventor, no big deal, "yay".

So now I am trying to load these drawings into Vault and I get validation or other errors because of these two things. I have since fixed my template, but is there anyway to fix all the other hundreds of drawings I have already created so I can run the autoloader, there is no way I can do them manually.

