View Full Version : SD342-1V: Slope It, Slope It Good: Sloping Framing in Autodesk® Revit® Structure

Autodesk University
2015-07-30, 02:43 AM
Session: SD342-1V

Title: Slope It, Slope It Good: Sloping Framing in Autodesk® Revit® Structure

Instructor: Rebecca Frangipane

Course Description: Do you feel as though every time you slope a roof you do it a bit differently? This class will cover the basic rules to follow and present steps for fool-proof sloping. It will cover the multiple ways to slope your framing members quickly and accurately on complex buildings, and other miscellaneous items that come up on live projects. From determining the level elevation, to joist seats, to the analytical model, this is the one-stop shop for sloping any roof in Revit Structure.