View Full Version : Revit 6.0 in the News

Scott D Davis
2003-12-18, 05:33 PM
Found this on a link on my Earthlink Homepage:


2003-12-18, 07:09 PM
Most architecture firms use Revit for the initial stages of the design process, Bernstein said, eventually shifting data to AutoCAD to produce the blueprints most contractors and clients still demand. But a growing number have shifted to an entirely electronic design process.

"Ninety-nine percent of the world is trained in AutoCAD, so it's sort of a failsafe option for output," he said. "But we do have customers that have abandoned AutoCAD altogether; they're pure Revit."

WTF is the purpose of saying something like that? It certainly doesn't sell Revit as a competitor to AC, ADT, etc. Now I'd like to hear him admit that of the 500 million seats of ADT out there only 3 are used as ADT!