View Full Version : CTB Tables and Pen Styles

2005-06-07, 05:48 PM
One area that I've noticed that many companies have a problem with is the CTB Table, (and if I remember correctly, it goes back to the PC2 file in R-14).

The reason I'm bringing up this topic is because I wasn't sure if people weren't quite understanding how the colors work together, or if they just didn't care. If the latter was the case, I guess you would have moved onto another topic by now. Thanks for listening.

We've been using a setup that my dad created years ago, and I've gotta say, this has got to be the most straight forward, yet least complicated piece of artwork I have ever seen. It may not look like much when you view the CTB, but when you create a DWG using the proper colors, your drawings will come out SO much cleaner.

The reason it was created was to emphasize certain lines in certain drawings. For instance, when you're creating a grading plan you want of your proposed curbs, buildings, slopes, property lines (ALL), elevations, and notes to stick out above any of the existing linework. But, say you're drawing up a sewer plan. Now, you'll need your sewer lines to stand out above any of the grading linework. So, what you do is screen back your grading linework and change the color of your sewer lines to a solid pen.

You may have noticed a couple words that you might not understand in the context I'm using. Let me show you the pen layout then we'll go from there. I've attached a small drawing file called COLORS.dwg and a PDF of the printout (so you can compare your printout to it). Please take a minute to look at the colors are laid out. Now, let me explain the layout. First, pens 1-7 are solid colors, pens 8-14 are the screened version of pens 1-7, and pen 15 is a NO PLOT pen (it will, however, plot on some HP Plotters, but very lightly). Second, the reason Pen 7 is white is because Layer 0, by default, is white. Now, if you inadvertently place an object in layer 0, it really won't matter much if you catch it at the last minute, it might prevent a replot.

I’m going off on a tanget here for a minute, but this will really help. As for the screening, this is where “CLX” comes in. Add this macro to one of your LSP files:

(defun c:clx ( / c u o p dens ydrop yinit i)

(setvar "cmdecho" 0)

(setq c (getvar "viewctr")

u (/ (getvar "viewsize") 10)

o (list (+ (car c) (* u 5)) (+ (cadr c) (* u 4)))

p o i 1 yinit (cadr o) ydrop (/ u 2)



(repeat 15

(repeat 3

(grdraw p (list (+ (car p) u) (cadr p)) i 0)

(setq p (list (car p) (- (cadr p) (/ u 23))))


(setq o (list (car o) (- (cadr o) ydrop)) p o i (1+ i))


(setq e t)

(command "layer")

(while e

(setq e (car (nentsel "\nSource Ent: ")))

(if e (progn

(setq lay (cdr (assoc 8 (entget e))))

(setq clr (fix (/ (- yinit (cadr (getpoint "Select Color Bar: ")))


(command "color" (1+ clr) lay)



(command "")



When you type CLX in the command line, you will see a group of color bars show up on the right side of your screen. All the colors are in order (top to bottom, 1-15). Pick an object on the layer that you want to change then pick the color you want to change it to. What this does, is changes the Layer to that color. It will not set the color HARD, everything is still ByLayer.

Back to the Pen styles. When you want colors to be out front and seen by Plan Checkers, Contractors, etc., you set them to solid colors (1-7). If an object, or group of objects, (like curbs on a sewer plan), need to be seen, but aren’t pertinent to the direct application, then you screen them back (Pen 4 now becomes Pen 11). Just remember, when screening, add 7. So, 1 = 8, 2 = 9, 3 = 11, etc., this will also work in reverse when you need to bring a color back to solid.

One last note, I could not upload the CTB file as a CTB file, so I added ".TXT" to the end of the name. Just remove .TXT and import the CTB file as you normally would.

2005-06-09, 03:49 PM
Wow, been here 3 days now and no comments.:Puffy:

2005-06-16, 12:11 PM
Wow, I have to admit that was a very well thought out and helpful post. It will go a long way to helping less novice users comprehend how to generate professional looking drawings, not just a CAD plot. The art of good drafting has been diminishing with more kids coming out of school as CAD jockeys and not draftsmen/designers. Hopefully this will help. Good job.

2005-06-16, 03:33 PM
I sure hope someone gets something out of it. Seems like this post wasn't very popular. Maybe it was just bad timing on my part.

The art of good drafting has been diminishing with more kids coming out of school as CAD jockeys and not draftsmen/designers. - sir_roman
Other than rotating in points, this is one of the first concepts we teach our new employees, fresh out of school or not, because a job isn't just about plotting out "lines" on a sheet of paper, it's all about image.

2005-06-16, 08:38 PM
I sure hope someone gets something out of it. Seems like this post wasn't very popular. Maybe it was just bad timing on my part.

Well, people may have thought it was a question on CTB files and not a hint about CTB files. I think it was good.

2005-06-16, 09:17 PM
I think there wasn't very many replies because it wasn't a question but a statement and this froum isn't visited by alot of people.

"isn't just about plotting out "lines" on a sheet of paper, it's all about image"

I agree and it suprises me that alot of people don't understand that. I had a coworker put a detail together showing existing and proposed features and he put everything on one layer the same color (the color was white by the way). I went nuts!

2005-06-16, 11:31 PM
When I post I rely on the # of views the post has recieved rather than the # of replies.

2005-06-16, 11:41 PM
When I post I rely on the # of views the post has recieved rather than the # of replies. -- jmelansonI look at the # of views as well. But statistically, there should be a certain percentage of replies to views. I would estimate an average post to have about 10% of the viewers replying. Although this is getting closer to that average, when I started the post there were close to 70 views and no replies.

Also, I like to know when someone appreciates the work I have done. Makes me wanna do more, ya know what I mean Vern?

2005-06-17, 02:15 PM
I understand what you mean Robert about knowing that the help is being used and appreciated. I haven't posted much to the online forums, but was a very big contributor of the old email guilds. (Gee I miss those.) Personally, I don't concern with views/replies. I try to read all that I can and comment when I think I can help. Given my years of experience with the program, since 2.1, I feel that I can help most of the time with either CAD management or helping novices out on Vanilla.

2005-06-17, 02:36 PM
Also, I like to know when someone appreciates the work I have done. Makes me wanna do more, ya know what I mean Vern?it is just a fact of the way things are that users seldom give feedback when reading something that helps them (either by replying to a thread with a 'thanks, that helped' or via the reputation tool (scale of justice on the left of a post) ). ~shrug~

Part of it could be people being shy (just lurking, no posting), or adhering to forum guidelines (http://forums.augi.com/faq.php?)(avoid short messages such as 'thanks', send something like that via pm to reduce clutter).

I know it's more encouraging to yourself to continue contributing if you hear those types of things, but, rest assured your posts are being read (comfort yourself with, if they weren't appreciated you would hear about it. ;) )

Thanks for all you do. :)

2005-06-17, 02:43 PM
personally this is what I try to do when someone helps me out....
'thanks, that helped' via the reputation tool (scale of justice on the left of a post) ).and this is the exact reason y...
adhering to forum guidelines (http://forums.augi.com/faq.php?)(avoid short messages such as 'thanks',)

2005-06-17, 03:34 PM
Well, I really appreciate your comments. Didn't really think of it in that way. You people are awesome.