View Full Version : Need to dissable SSM from automatically opening

2005-08-02, 05:06 PM
I tried SSM on an existing project and liked the way it works. But now, whenever I or someone else on the network opens one of the drawings the SSM window opens along with the drawing. I only want the dialog to pop up when I need it to publish drawings but can find no way to change this automatic behavior.

Randy Raybon
Smith-McCrary Architects
Jagsonville, FL

2005-08-02, 05:21 PM
I tried SSM on an existing project and liked the way it works. But now, whenever I or someone else on the network opens one of the drawings the SSM window opens along with the drawing. I only want the dialog to pop up when I need it to publish drawings but can find no way to change this automatic behavior.

Randy Raybon
Smith-McCrary Architects
Jagsonville, FL
Try changing one or both of the following variables.

Displays the Sheet Set Manager when a drawing associated with a sheet is opened.

0 Does not open the Sheet Set Manager automatically

1 Opens the Sheet Set Manager automatically

SSMAUTOOPEN and SSLOCATE must both be set to 1 to open a sheet set automatically in the Sheet Set Manager.

Locates and opens the sheet set associated with a drawing when the drawing is opened.

0 Does not open a drawing’s sheet set with the drawing

1 Opens a drawing’s sheet set with the drawing

SSMAUTOOPEN and SSLOCATE must both be set to 1 to open a sheet set automatically in the Sheet Set Manager.

I am not sure if this will work in 2005.

2005-08-02, 07:32 PM
Yes, it does work. Great and thanks a bunch. Now I won't have so many people skeptical about using it on their projects because they can't control it.

Augi's Ausome!


2005-11-16, 11:18 PM
Well, I'm having the same problem, and I've reset that variable to 0 and it still opens. This started happening the same time my command bar started opening at the bottom of the screen instead of the top. I've also started losing my "Help" menu pulldown. I have no clue what's going on.

And the latest blooper, is that I've loaded the latest Adobe Acrobat and now, when I open, I'm losing the last few pulldown menus because they've been replaced by these new Adobe pulldowns. I've tried everything from saving a new menu pallette to saving a new profile.

Please send help.