View Full Version : Add a plus sign "+" to prompt for tabs

2005-08-04, 08:55 PM
From an old CADalyst E-mail Newsletter...

AUTOCAD TIP: ADD A PLUS SIGN TO PROMPT FOR TABS Thanks to Samer Joudi for the following AutoCAD tip. He runs this Arabic-language site:

Starting with AutoCAD 2000, you can precede some commands with a hyphen (-) to make them run from the command line, not through a dialog box. Examples include -dimstyle, -insert, -layer, and -view.

In what appears to be an undocumented feature, some commands also let you place a plus (+) sign before the command name. When you do so, AutoCAD first asks you to enter the number of the tab to make active, then displays the dialog box open to the tab you request. Examples of commands that do this are +dsettings, +options, +ucsman, and +vports. This feature can be used to customize menus, as AutoCAD itself does in the Named UCS and Orthographic UCS/Presets items in the Tools menu.

Samir also notes that Autodesk introduced additional commands with these features after AutoCAD 2000, such as -purge and +customize.

