View Full Version : Populate Field value to custom sheet value

2005-12-21, 02:37 PM
We have four separate fields for our drawing name in our title block. We did this in order to control the display of the text in the drawing name so that each field displays as a separate line. We explored Mtext but this did not meet our formatting needs. In order for us to generate a Drawing List from the sheet set manager we need to group these fields together in a sheet custom field in the sheet set manager properties dialog box. We have grouped the four fields together in a hidden attribute in our drawing template. We then created an Mtext field in our template using object to select that hidden attribute, which combines the four separate fields into one. Is there a way to get the object field to populate its value to a custom sheet field in the sheet set manager so that we may use that field to generate a drawing list table from the sheet manager?

2005-12-26, 05:51 PM
We have four separate fields for our drawing name in our title block. We did this in order to control the display of the text in the drawing name so that each field displays as a separate line. We explored Mtext but this did not meet our formatting needs. In order for us to generate a Drawing List from the sheet set manager we need to group these fields together in a sheet custom field in the sheet set manager properties dialog box. We have grouped the four fields together in a hidden attribute in our drawing template. We then created an Mtext field in our template using object to select that hidden attribute, which combines the four separate fields into one. Is there a way to get the object field to populate its value to a custom sheet field in the sheet set manager so that we may use that field to generate a drawing list table from the sheet manager?is there any way you could post a sample of your block? that might help me to be able to get a better grip on what you're trying to do.

2006-01-03, 06:24 PM
I have added an attachment sample.DWG which is actually our standard template file that we use with the titleblock inside the drawing. I renamed it from dwt to dwg for the upload. Thank you for reviewing my problem