View Full Version : Wall sweeps defined as by style rather then type

2003-05-28, 08:53 AM
Has anyone noticed how annoying walls sweeps are? They are based on profiles – nice – but for every profile type you have to create a new wall sweep type. It is monotonous. I would like Revit to make wall sweeps either (1) as a separate family type so that you can create a “wall sweep profile” and then bring it into your project with various types, or (2) add the “style” parameter to wall sweeps. You would create a new wall sweep style (instead of type).
In the style definition you select your profile family and the types are automatically created. This way if you are using a profile with 10 types the wall sweep style will inherit those types and there is a need to only define one wall sweep style. As it is now if you have 10 profile types you must create 10 corresponding wall sweep types.

J. Giebeler