View Full Version : Graphical Beam Schedules would be cool

2006-05-23, 03:45 AM
Here in Oz there is an established trend of detailing RC beams in tabular format.

The Pomme in me sneers at these glorified 'calc sheet summaries'...their use is somewhat limited and may cause some raised eyebrows outside this region..

Its interesting too that in the UK the old style method of each bar being presented by the engineer on bending schedules is steadily being phased out of the consultants' responsibilties.
I wonder if this is a trend in the US?

Even so, are the factory moving towards RS being able to generate Graphical Beam Schedules like the attachment - that would appeal to me!

2006-05-25, 06:44 PM
I strongly agree. For concrete projects of any real size, we create a Concrete Beam Schedule very similar to what you show.

I won’t pretend to speak for the entire US market, but we think this is the best way to convey reinforcing information to the rebar detailer, and other firms must have similar opinions since this practice is quite common. Having said this, we have actually been cutting back on how much we show in Concrete Beam Schedules because of the drafting effort required. A program that could generate this type of schedule would have a serious advantage when creating construction documents for concrete structures.

To make this feature functional, Revit would need an automated way to add beam marks in a logical order so beams that share top bars are numbered sequentially.