View Full Version : ADT/ABS Community Gallery Submissions

2006-06-01, 01:38 PM
Welcome to the ADT/ABS Community Gallery. This is where you can submit images of your best work. Each month we, as a community, will try to choose the Best Overall image for the Main Gallery page (http://www.augi.com/archdesktop/default.asp?page=967). In addition we will also be choosing another image for each of the individual ADT (http://www.augi.com/archdesktop/default.asp?page=979) and ABS (http://www.augi.com/archdesktop/default.asp?page=980) gallery pages.

First, your image must be in a form that is Internet-ready, preferably in a JPEG format. If your the image you made your file from contains some interesting styles, please post them in the Styles Library (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=396). Please limit the width to 430 pixels as it will end up that way. While other file formats such as pdf and dwf may be posted in the forum, they may not be considered for Image of the Month.

Second, to post an image, simply attach it to a New Thread in the gallery forum.

Thirdly, this forum is meant to showcase work, but that's not to say you can't ask for opinions. Who knows, you might even win. If you have questions about drafting or CAD techniques, look through the other forums.

Please also be sure to include things such as

What version of ADT/ABS the model was created in.
What (if any) programs you used to create the final image
If rendered, please provide some information on how the rendering was set up.
How long the image took to render along with hardware used.
At the end of the month the best, the most unusual or eye-catching image will be shown at the front page of the gallery. It doesn't have to be a fancy rendering or an unusual part. It can also be something where you've come up with to a unique solution to a sticky ADT/ABS challenge.

2006-06-08, 03:22 PM
Please remember that when submitting images, make sure you give credit where credit is due. If you had help from a colleague or another team member, be sure to include all the people involved in producing the model as well as the rendering.

Dave Peterson
ADT/ABS Gallery Manager