View Full Version : Link an attribute to another attribute using fields

2007-01-24, 03:07 PM
I have a DB which I am trying to change the Project Name attribute in the title block(far right). Also in the DB is a project header(upper left), which also has the Project name as an attribute. I have the project name header attribute as a field (object, value, none), which is to be controlled by the title block project name attribute. I then edit the project name in the title block and for some reason it doesn't change the project header title. I have used battman, attsync, and purge and reinsert, and still come up with the same answer, maybe I have defined something wrong?

2007-01-25, 03:05 PM
I have found for every level of "nesting" the attribute fields, it requires another regen. If that is how you have set your fields to update. For example, if i link a field to the contents of text, when I change that text, it requires a regen to update the field. Now if I use another field, maybe a formula, and use the previous attribute as one of the variables. When that first item of text is changed from 2 to 3. the first regen will update the first attribute, a second regen will update the second attribute. I hope this example helps.

2007-01-25, 04:49 PM
I have found for every level of "nesting" the attribute fields, it requires another regen. If that is how you have set your fields to update. For example, if i link a field to the contents of text, when I change that text, it requires a regen to update the field. Now if I use another field, maybe a formula, and use the previous attribute as one of the variables. When that first item of text is changed from 2 to 3. the first regen will update the first attribute, a second regen will update the second attribute. I hope this example helps.

Tried doesn't work... Did you upload my block and get it to work? Maybe there is something wrong with my computer? Hopefully not.

2007-01-26, 03:54 PM
I looked real quick this morning. I couldn't get it to work either. What you are attempting to do, I do all of the time without a problem. I'll take another look at it when I have more time. Sorry I couldn't fix the problem. Here is another example of it. This one needs a couple of regens after it is manipulated