View Full Version : VIZ 2007 - Animation through cameras

2007-06-25, 11:55 AM
I have imported my 3D model from Autocad to Viz2007. I have created cameras in Viz in order to render them as still pictures. Now, my boss asked me to make an animation. The easiest thing would be to assemble all my cameras to generate a movie.

I wonder, if Viz can create a spline between those cameras? What do I have to do, if Viz is not able to do that. Do I have to start from scratch again with setting up walkthrough cameras?

Thanks for any help.

2007-06-25, 03:45 PM
VIZ can definetely do that! First turn on 3d snap....make sure pivot is checked on. Then draw a spline, clicking on each camera in the sequence you want the camera to travel. Then make a camera and assign a path controller to it and then use the spline that you just created as your path. You will have to do the same thing with all the camera targets as well. Make sure you do a preview of it before you render because it may not look all that great when its transitioning in between the cameras. Your better off creating you own path just for that reason...control over what the camera is seeing. You never knough....the path may take your camera through a bush or something. Post back if you need some more help.

2007-06-25, 04:33 PM
Hi Dellis,

I have now created a spline in Autocad. I imported the spline to viz. I chose "constraint to path" and ad a camera to the spline path. How can I add cameras to the spline and how can I finally create a small preview or a final movie?
Thanks for your help in advance.

2007-06-25, 06:15 PM
I may not be understaning you correctly....but if you have the camera on the path then all you need to do is go to the camera viewport and drag the time slider. This should show you the cameras view as it goes along the spline path. For the preview....go up to the rendering pulldown at the top of the screen and then go to make preview. make sure you have the camera view selected as the current view.

2007-06-28, 03:15 PM
Cheers. It works.

2007-06-29, 03:09 PM
Great....glad to help!!!