View Full Version : Exploding Std Structural Shapes (Eventually)

2007-07-11, 04:34 PM
Do you explode Mechanical Standard Library's Structural Shapes?

If so, what percentage of the time?

If not, please inform me of the steps you take!

I am no newcomer to Mechanical (user since 2000 - remember Power Pack) and with great care there have been few situations where I maintained the integrity (or unexploded geometry) of Mechanical's Structural Shapes.

Most of the time, these problems arise when:

Plotting - (structural shapes only) section view hatching not adjustable to plot as monochrome output (it did this today)
Drawing order - members drawn over are obliterated. Yes, I adjust the Hide situation with some success w/ much trial and error.
Hide situation - system does not work well with several parallel members that should hide background object i.e. stair railing, etc.
Please provide any feedback such as similar situations you have faced and/or any workarounds you have developed.

I am currently using Mech 2008.