View Full Version : Global Rebuild Option

2007-10-01, 09:03 PM
Summary: It would be preferred to have a choice to rebuild all surfaces, rebuild all corridors or rebuild all of both at the same time.

Description: I wish I could rebuild all corridors and/or surfaces with one command. It would be preferred to have a choice to rebuild all surfaces, rebuild all corridors or rebuild all of both at the same time.

How Used: To increase productivity I typically have rebuild automatic turned off for surfaces and corridors. This new feature would allow me to rebuild all of my corridors and/or surfaces while I go to lunch or work on something else.

Feature Affinity: Corridor Modeling

Submitted By: Jeff Paulsen on August 29, 2007

Wish List System
2012-08-02, 06:49 AM
This wish has been reported by a member.

This thread is closed to further posts while the request is being reviewed by administrators.