View Full Version : Copy - Paste Issue

2007-10-29, 09:13 PM
For several months I have been having an issue using AutoCAD 2008. The issue seems to be a problem with copying and pasting information from an old drawing to a New Drawing no matter what level of information from a single line to a group of blocks, lines, polylines and Dims it would take up to and including 10 minutes to perform this basic operation.

I have now fixed this issue by running a small routine

Command: -scalelistedit
Enter option [?/Add/Delete/Reset/Exit] <Add>: r (Reset)
Scale list to defaults? [Yes/No] <No>: y Scale list reset to default entries.
Enter option [?/Add/Delete/Reset/Exit] <Add>: e (End)

Running this before copying will fix this annoying issue. And best of all since running this in an infected drawing it seems to cure the problem for the life of the drawing.

I hope this information helps some others out there experiencing this issue.