View Full Version : How can I change a Mass family to a Generic one?

2008-02-16, 05:21 PM
I currently have this band of Stainless Steel in the my building that was created originally as a mass as a placeholder. but now it prints transparent in my elevations....my plan was to just modify the Mass family to a Generic family so it can print as hidden lines

I get a confusing error message when I just try to change the mass to a generic mass...something about pasting it to the clipboard then modifying .

any ideas?....the band runs all over the building and all I want it to do is print solid in my sheets.

Scott D Davis
2008-02-16, 05:43 PM
Maybe the best solution is to use wall by face. Make a wall type called Stainless Band (or whatever you'd like) and set its composition to be the material and thickness you need. Then use Wall by Face in the Massing tab and apply this new wall type to the face of the mass.

2008-02-17, 03:27 AM
And may that serve as a lesson to NOT use the massing tool to represent something that might have a physical existence as an actual object. You just need to learn to classify objects early on before you create them. Use Mass only to represent the mass of a building, not pieces of it. In that case, use a Generic Model component, which has the ability to be changed to other categories. The modeling tools are still the same (extrusion, sweep, blend and a revolve).

2008-02-21, 09:56 PM
You can always change the mass materia. The default is Default Mass. Its transparency is set to 75, change it t 0