View Full Version : Width of font is not retained when printing

2008-03-07, 01:54 AM

We use Trebuchet MS as our font in Revit. I have set the width factor to 0.8. When I print, either to dwf pdf or printer, the width changes. It makes it very hard as something that looks good on the screen ie text not clashing with lines etc but when printed I might have the end of the text clashing with lines.

Is this a general problem and I maybe shouldn't use any width factor than 1?

Jonas Hniopek

2008-03-19, 11:33 PM
This only seems to happen when I publish to DWF. If I print a drawing straight to the plotter or the make a pdf the text width is as it should.
Have I missed any settings re. publishing to dwf?


2010-05-14, 01:47 PM
We also use a font width of .8, and we experience a similar problem. The details: We model using Revit 2010 Architecture and Structural on 2010 64-bit Dells running Windows XP Pro.

We primarily experience the problem with text in the title block. The problem is not limited to PDF or DWF. It also happens when we plot to our full-size plotters. The weird thing is that sometimes the fonts print/plot correctly, and sometimes they don't. So far, I have not been able to pinpoint any kind of a trend. Any help would be appreciated.

2010-09-22, 04:35 PM
We are having the same problem, but really only when exporting to DWF. The width factor of my text is set to 1 in most cases, but in the DWF it is stretched slightly. Of course this looks really bad on the drawings. Does anyone know of a solution???

2011-04-18, 03:50 PM
Check out a possible solution at this post: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=127143

2011-04-28, 03:31 AM
I suspect this is related to Revit's random kerning / text width issues. once Autodesk gets around to fixing that bug, printing text consistently should be equally less painful.

BTW: for best results when printing, ensure your Windows printers are set to embed all fonts, including licensed ones, (if the option exists). otherwise the printer will default to substituting for a limited range of typefaces that may be very different from what you intended. if your PDF printer doesn't have that option try another PDF print tool.