View Full Version : ROOM TAGS

2008-04-02, 05:10 PM
OK, so in my room tags i want to have 2 lines, but it only allows me to do one. whenever i hit ENTER to go to the next line like in a typical word document it closes the text, how can i make it so that i have mulitple lines in my room tag. thanks....jazmin

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-04-02, 07:10 PM
You have two options. One is to shrink the size of the text box so Revit wraps the text (not much control this way)
The second option allows you to force a carriage return but you can't do it from inside the tag. You will need to go to the properties dialogue for the room object and edit the parameter value. Type the first line and to force the second line hold the control key, hit return (enter) and type the second line.

2008-04-02, 08:40 PM
Do you by any chance want to have one line with room name and another with room number or some other pair of room parameters that could exist independently? If yes, then just place two labels on two lines in a room tag family.