View Full Version : Too Many Labels.

2008-04-09, 11:52 AM
We are labeling parcels, many of which have a common rear line. The problem occurs when creating the line table, Civil 3d creates an invidual L number for each segment. Our 4 sided rectangular parcel now has 5 bearing and distances.

Along the rear line it creates a label for the portion between the rear corner and the T formed by the lot behind it that is not a common corner. So we have two labels that when added equal the correct distance, but we want it to be just one.

Any solutions?

2008-04-10, 02:24 PM
Use a spanning label.

Create a label style, and in each component in the style, set the "Span outside segment" property to TRUE. Then use that label style.

Note that spanning labels are tricky to use. If you create parcels from linework, the line you want to use a spanning label on must be a continuous line. For example, in the attached image, the line must be a solid line from Point A to Point B when you create the parcel linework. Otherwise, a spanning label does not work.