View Full Version : R9 interop acad allow this?

Vincent Valentijn
2004-09-08, 08:13 AM

I've been working with IV8 for a while last year, trying to find a way to easily model 3D constructions + get the data like IV offers. It turned out to be possible but the constructionmethods I had to use were to complicated for my drawers ~ so we dropped this line.
Now I read about the enhanced interoperability between IV and Acad - specially into dropping the styles and getting into an Acad layer-system. Now I was wondering;
Does IV now allow to - draw a 2D line in acad [equipped with attributed data] and convert this line+data in inventor to a [predifined] part?

Vincent Valentijn
2004-09-09, 02:04 PM
a bit quiet in this forum huh?

well.. I believe I got my answers from looking around.. and I -think- the answer is
'no way josé' If anyone has any more ideas on this subject, please post.. I'll checkup here regularly, thanx.

2004-09-09, 02:17 PM
IV can translate to acad layers pretty good (If you have it set up correctly, Which is a pain)
IV 9 introduses layers into IDW's, Which makes the translating a bit better.
BUT this is going from IV to Acad.
You can make your flat sketches in Acad and open them in IV to base your model from.
But it is not assosiative (No link between the two)

Hope this helps you.