View Full Version : Show All Corridor Assemblies in Cross Sections

2008-07-01, 01:04 PM
Summary: Show all corridor assemblies in cross aections not just those associated with the main alignment.

Description: When plotting road corridor x-sections, only those assemblies attached to the the alignment that has the sample line group associated are displayed. I would like to see all assemblies used to build the corridor displayed, regardless of what alignment thay are associated with. I understand that the corridor is made up of feature lines and that the x-sections only display links associated with the parent alignment. Essentially, I am wanting the corridor to be a 3d solid, not just made up of feature lines and links.

How Used: To display design x-sections as they really are and not partly displayed

Feature Affinity: Corridor Modeling

Submitted By: kevin mills on April 14, 2008

Wish List System
2012-08-02, 06:57 AM
This wish has been reported as granted and already in the software.