View Full Version : Issues with associative dimensions drawing in paper space- ACAD 2007

2009-01-05, 06:39 PM
I’m having a couple of issues with associative dimensions in paper space (AutoCAD 2007) and they are all random. I use the same template with the same profile forced down each time and the results are different in each drawing and never consistent enough to nail down a solution. Any help would be appreciated.

Issue #1
Grabbing the grip of the dimension text and moving it will change the dimension from the true dimension to some crazy random number. Only happens to random dimension strings.

issue #2
Changing the scale of the viewport the dimension strings will go from being aligned to being randomly placed. Some align and some don't.

2009-01-05, 09:47 PM
Sorry I don't have a solution or reason that this happens but when it happens to me I usually use MATCHPROP or DIMREASSOCIATE to fix.

I'm curious myself to see everyone else's ideas.

PS: small world, my wife works for FOA - PRL in Lyndhurst Joisey :-)