View Full Version : True Type Font Plotting & Display Issues

2009-02-10, 12:24 PM

I am completely stumped over why Acad would be displaying these Mtext objects differently.

Has any one else experienced similar issues when using True Type Fonts in Acad 2009 & 2007.

Each text item is an Mtext object formatted using the same text Style, height, letter spacing and Oblique Rotation. - Bold is also not enabled.

I’ve checked the fontalt system variable and that is set to symplex.shx, If I change this variable Acad then continually crashes out due to a fatal system error.

Am lost

Can anyone help?

2009-02-10, 01:15 PM
I don't know if this will work for your issue, but I've seen unintended bold Mtext in instances where AutoCAD thought that the Mtext was not at "0" in the "Z" direction - even if the properties show it at "0".

When this has happened, I've selected all of the problem items and set them to 0.0000 under the properties dialog (even though that is already what it said). Flatten did not even take care of this.

2009-02-10, 01:57 PM
Thanks for the quick response,
It looks like that has solved my problem.

Manny Thanks.

2011-10-25, 03:47 PM
This resolves the same issue that I've had in dynamic blocks. Thanks.

See also thread: "Text size doesn't match".

2011-10-25, 03:59 PM
As another tip, when I selected all of the items and changed Z to zero, it didn't seem to change the bad ones. But, when I selected all and changed them to a positive value [e.g 1], and then to zero, it did change the bad ones. This may be easier and quicker than trying to hunt for these rogues.

The 2D [I presumed] database I am working in has blocks imported from a 3D database. This may explain the corruption.

2012-01-03, 04:13 PM
I can't believe this problem still exists. It's still a thorn in my side.

My problem is that while standalone text and mtext are easy to fix by zeroing the elevation, any text contained in blocks, associative dimensions, etc. are seemingly untouchable. As far as I know, I have no way of correcting the Z coordinate of text contained within a dimension. The issue is driving me crazy because I'd like to try and fix the issue entirely to improve our drawings' appearance without having to switch to another font. It would affect way too many of our standard blocks to do so.

(For the record, my company had already long been using Arial by the time I was hired. I would've chosen something less troublesome.)