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Thread: Profile Band begin and end labels

  1. #1
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    Question Profile Band begin and end labels

    Platform : Civil 3D 2011

    I have just started to experiment with using the Plan Production features to create plan and profile sheets. Finally, I have gotten almost everything to look right, but I cannot seem to get at least one issue, shown here.

    My profile band in the profile view contains the station, existing elevation, and proposed elevation of the major and minor grid station. However, the labels at the ends of the profile view grid will not display. The band set does have them checked to display at the ends, but they won't.

    What's the deal? Any thoughts?

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Profile Band begin and end labels

    We've had this happen too and found that if we cut a new profile view from scratch, the problem went away... most of the time. If the problem still showed up, or didn't show up in this case, we simply started and stopped the graph data 0.01 past each side you wanted to show.

    i.e use 999.99 to force the 10+00 to show at the beginning or 1200.01 to show 12+00 at the end. Clunky but in a pinch it gets the set out the door and the 0.01 gap doesn't show in the plot.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Profile Band begin and end labels

    Thanks Coolmo,

    I thought of lengthing the view by a few hundredths too, but I was hoping not to go through all of that with having thirty P&P sheets. Is there a way to tell Civil to start and end the profile view a hundreds each way of the match line automatically?

    In a similar vein, I notice the elevations set themselves to the minimum elevation of the entire profile length for any view. I have to mannually change the elevations for a large number of profile views to take care of this as well.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Profile Band begin and end labels

    I'm not positive but I believe all that is a manual operation for each. Although, next time, you could set your starting station for your alignment at 999.99 so it'll automatically start it like you want but that's jacking with the alignment itself instead of just the profile view of the alignment data.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Profile Band begin and end labels

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolmo View Post
    I'm not positive but I believe all that is a manual operation for each. Although, next time, you could set your starting station for your alignment at 999.99 so it'll automatically start it like you want but that's jacking with the alignment itself instead of just the profile view of the alignment data.
    Hi all

    I want to share this video:

    I hope this Help!

    Simon Noyola Rivero
    Application Engineer
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