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Thread: GI13-3: Using ESRI data in Autodesk ISD Products

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    Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk University's Avatar
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    Default GI13-3: Using ESRI data in Autodesk ISD Products

    Instructors: Joe Travis and Peter Southwood

    Class Description: We will focus on using data in a variety of ESRI formats within the Autodesk GIS product line, including Autodesk Map, Autodesk MapGuide, and Autodesk Envision. We'll look at the many ways to read, write, and manage this data in a precise CAD and engineering environment. We'll also discuss Autodesk's strong relationship with Safe Software and the powerful FME SDP Server that provides a direct interface to dozens of industrystandard data types without any conversion. Finally, we'll review the standards of the Open GIS Consortium to enable GIS and CAD professionals to share geographic data in GML format, a version of XML for GIS. If you've ever had to convert spatial data from one format into another, you'll see how easy it is to work with these data types without keeping several versions of the same dataset.
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