
We are currently trying to coordinate our Architectural Revit model with consultants models.

I am wanting to do this by doing the following.

- Use copy monitor for column locations.
- Use 3D views with elements filtered on different colours according to discipline to easily see conflicts between consultants.
- Use mainly traditional methods of marking up drawings and highlighting clashes and sending these to our consultants to update to suit or Architectural requirements.

The main issues we are having at the moment are;

- Structural wall framing not suiting architectural requirements in wall sections (we have turned these elements off and shown them correctly in 2d in the view).
- Hydraulic Downpipes not appearing in the correct location in plan (again the element is turned off and shown correctly 2d in the view).
- Electrical & Mechanical in RCP. Not sure how to handle changes in our RCP layout that would require Elec & Mech to update their model to suit. With cad this was easy as we would save their Xref and manipulate it to suit but we are wary of doing this with a Revit model.

If anyone could help with these issues or has any tips for coordinating between Architectural and consultants using Revit we would appreciate it.
