
I've been working on what seemed at first to be a simple block. A slope symbol.
Just a line with a circle at one end, and an arrow at the other, with a polar stretch so you can position the arrow end wherever you'd like. Easy as pie.

The thing that is killing me is this:

I only want the circle and the arrow to scale as we change annotation scales, not the length of the line.

I've met with some success making the arrow and the circle annotative blocks and inserting them into the (non annotative) slope symbol block.

This works OK but it's prone to odd behavior when its re-positioned often. Also, the arrow and circle block need to be pre-populated with all conceivable annotation scales or they never show up (as you can't add scales to them "inside the slope symbol block". Also OK but I don't want to bring all these scales into every drawing just for the sake of the block.

Anyway, has anyone overcome this maddening hurdle?

I have thought that creating the arrow with lines and then adding a scale action with some kind of formula like (3/6" (getvar CANNOSCALE)) but I'm not sure if it can be done.

Thanks for your help everyone!