I have been running into some issues creating schedules so i thought i would share some data for you all;

Centering Text in a Schedule Column (field):

//Create a schedule
ViewSchedule schedule = ViewSchedule.CreateSchedule(document, new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_#########));  //Set Category 

//Add Your Code for Fields / Sorting / Filtering

//Create Section Data for Headers / Body 
TableSectionData tsd = schedule.GetTableData().GetSectionData(SectionType.Header);
TableSectionData tsdbody = schedule.GetTableData().GetSectionData(SectionType.Body);

//Create Style and Override Options
TableCellStyle tcs = new TableCellStyle();
TableCellStyleOverrideOptions tcsOpt = new TableCellStyleOverrideOptions();

//Set Override Options
tcsOpt.HorizontalAlignment = true; //Set Override to True to allow for centering
tcs.SetCellStyleOverrideOptions(tcsOpt); //Commit the Options

//Set Font Styling
tcs.FontHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;

//Commit the Styles
tsd.SetCellStyle(tsd.FirstColumnNumber, tcs); //Header - First Column
tsdbody.SetCellStyle(tsdbody.FirstColumnNumber, tcs); //Body - First Column
Adding Count to Schedule Column (field):
//Create a schedule
ViewSchedule schedule = ViewSchedule.CreateSchedule(document, new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_#########));  //Set Category 

//Add Count to Schedule Field
It may not be rocket science but it kicked my *** for awhile so i thought i would share.