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Thread: Label Styles and multiple text layers

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Label Styles and multiple text layers

    I have several types of easements that I need to label in a drawing. I have a few label styles that I use when labeling easements in a drawing.

    The issue is how do I get my labels to be placed on the correct Text layer for the corresponding easement.

    For example, I might have a shade tree easement and an utility easement on the same property. I want to place my easement text on V-ESMT-UTIL (for my utility easement) and V-ESMT-CONS (for my shade tree easement). I want the text to still be placed on the object layer.

    The only solution that I see is to create separate Label Styles and define them individual layers.

    Is there another solution to this? How are others working around this?

  2. #2
    Administrator rkmcswain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Label Styles and multiple text layers

    Quote Originally Posted by Iceberg View Post
    I have several types of easements that I need to label in a drawing.
    The only solution that I see is to create separate Label Styles and define them individual layers.
    That is how we do it.

    One style for [5' W.L.E.]
    One style for [16' U.E.]
    One style for [20' B.L.]
    R.K. McSwain | CAD Panacea |

  3. #3
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Label Styles and multiple text layers

    Quote Originally Posted by rkmcswain View Post
    That is how we do it.

    One style for [5' W.L.E.]
    One style for [16' U.E.]
    One style for [20' B.L.]
    What about labeling bearing and distances? There are 4 different segment styles that we used for labeling them. I will create the individual segment label styles for each type of easement then too.

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