Hello, let me first start off by saying that I am relatively new to Revit so this might be a case of me just not knowing what to do. My goal is to change the color of multiple families in a Revit project to one color, say red. To do so, I was going to the library I had created from these family files and changing the color of the family there to red, which worked fine, and then reloading the family into the main Revit project. The first few times I did this, the effect was what I wanted, with the family color changing appropriately. However, after the first few times, the color change did not happen. Instead the families in the project would turn some random other color, like blue or dark grey instead of red. Or, even stranger, if there were multiple instances of a family in the project, some of the instances would change to red and others would not. Any suggestions for what may be happening? This is Revit 2014.