I have created a couple animation sets which translate an object from a starting position to an ending position and those animate just fine when triggered with a script.

Additionally, I have configured a timeline which includes these animation sets at their key places and when I run the simulation everything appears on screen as expected. The objects appear to "fall" into position as opposed to just appear in position.

My problem occurs when I attempt to record/export this animation. My workflow is to open the animation ribbon, click the record button then start the simulation from the beginning and finally hit the animation stop button once the simulation has finished. When I export the animation made in this way the objects simply appear in the starting position for the duration of the time they should be moving through space. At the point the objects should be in their final positions they disappear from the scene altogether. If I make a shorter animation by clicking the record button then triggering the translation animations with a scripted key press the resulting animation only includes 2 frames, the start and end positions of the object with the translations lost.

How do I get an exported animation to include object translations?

Using Manage 2014.