Readout for measure tool will have option to express distances in feet and inches.

Description: Not decimal feet only. Factions of an inch is probably asking too much even if it would be handy, but the missing option for feet and inches is critically debilitating, as it requires I keep a $3 calculator on the side to convert decimal feet if I cannot do the conversion in my head. How much is 153.889 Feet? 1846.615 Inches. Decimal fractions of an inch are far easier dealt with and converted if needed. I am surrounded by conversion tables when I need them for that scale.

When selecting dual units the option of reading metric simultaneously with standard measure is very helpful as long as the scale of the work does not exceed a few feet. Considering the cost of Inventor the missing option to check distances and work in feet and inches seems unexplained and such a simple request to fulfill.

I am begging- please put the feet and inches readout into the options.

Product and Feature: Inventor - Assemblies

Submitted By: Joe Daly on 10/22/2014