Hi all

I know this has been discussed before and if someone could post links, I'll quite happily read there but otherwise....
1. I have a desk. It's edge is against the wall.
2. At skirting level I have a GPO on the wall. Is is placed where you usually kick it when sitting at your desk.
3. the GPO family has a symbolic line representation drawn on the reference plane
4. the plan view in the model is using hidden line.

The problem: when a GPO is placed i a location where it can be hidden by the benchtop, the GPO symbolic lines are also hidden.

There are several workarounds including "show hidden lines" and "modify linework" as well as the really annoying one where you create an annotation family and load it into the GPO family. The issue I have with the show hidden lines and modify linework is that it's manual...therefore you can miss it...therefore someone gets blamed. The issue I have with the annotation method is that it doesn't scale and that's just rather annoying.

And this applies to other things services hidden by a bench or other pieces of furniture.

So....is there another way? please..... there must be another way.

Cheers everyone