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Thread: Shorter more powerful function calls

  1. #1
    Past Vice President / AUGI Volunteer peter's Avatar
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    Default Shorter more powerful function calls

    I had a discussion last year with a member here about error handling.

    So I came up with example that demonstrates what I was talking about.

    I get tired of typing vla-get- and vla-put- or vlax-get and vlax-put on every activex command,
    I get tired of wrapping an error trap around each ActiveX call.
    I get tired of converting entity names, elists, handles, objectID's to objects before every Activex call.

    Hence I present a useful alternative.

    I am interested in your opinions.

    ; Function builder to create new function calls that include
    ; Written By: Peter Jamtgaard copyright 2015
    ; Errortrapping
    ; 	Returns T or Value for success
    ; 	Returns nil for failure
    ; 	Changes objects on locked layers
    ; Shorter Names 
    ; 	vla-get-color becomes color
    ;	vla-put-color becomes colorput
    ; Various methods of referencing an object including
    ; 	vla-Object
    ;	Ename
    ; 	Entsel
    ; 	Elist
    ; 	Handle
    ; 	ObjectID
    ; Accepts Variant Safearrays and Lists as arguments (like for points)
    ; Return Lists in lieu of Variant Safearrays for points.
    ; Four properties already are lisp expressions Angle, Handle, Length and Type so those functions are
    ; AngleGet, HandleGet, LengthGet and TypeGet
    ; Ability to personalize functions to your developer prefix by changing the strPrefix string below.
    ; Function to demonstrate functionality
    (defun C:TestShort (/ entSelection lstSelection objSelection strHandle)
      (setq lstSelection (entsel "\nSelect Object: "))
      (setq entSelection (car lstSelection))
      (setq objSelection (vlax-ename->vla-object entSelection))
      (setq strHandle    (handleGet lstSelection))
      (layerput entSelection "0")
      (linetypeput objSelection "Hidden"); If Hidden exists
    ;  (colorput entSelection -1); <- Causes Error and stops routine
      (princ "\nComplete")
    ; Function to build new functions calls
    (defun FunctionBuild (strFunctionName / strPrefix strSuffix)
     (setq strPrefix "")
     (setq strSuffix "")
      (and (wcmatch (strcase strFunctionName) "VLA-GET-*")  
             (wcmatch (strcase (substr strFunctionName 9)) "ANGLE,LENGTH,TYPE,HANDLE")
             (GetFunction strFunctionName strPrefix (strcat strSuffix "Get"))
            (GetFunction strFunctionName strPrefix strSuffix)                 
      (and (wcmatch (strcase strFunctionName) "VLA-PUT-*")      
           (PutFunction strFunctionName strPrefix strSuffix)                 
    ; Function to create new functions to read (get) com properties with built in error checking
    (defun GetFunction (strFunctionName strPrefix strSuffix)
      (setq strFunctionName (substr strFunctionName 9))
        (strcat "(defun " (strcat strPrefix strFunctionName strSuffix)
                " (obj)(errortrap '(vlax-get (toobject obj) \"" strFunctionName "\")))")
    ; Function to create new functions to manipulating (put) com properties with built in error checking
    (defun PutFunction (strFunctionName strPrefix strSuffix)
      (setq strFunctionName (substr strFunctionName 9))
        (strcat "(defun " (strcat strPrefix strFunctionName strSuffix)
                "Put (obj Value)(propertyput (toobject obj) \"" strFunctionName "\" Value))")
    ; Standard Error Trap
    (defun ErrorTrap (symFunction / objError result)
     (if (vl-catch-all-error-p
          (setq objError (vl-catch-all-apply
                         '(lambda (X)(set X (eval symFunction)))
                          (list 'result))))
      (if result result 'T)
    ; The toobject function converts objects, entitynames, entity selections, entitylists, handles or objectid's 
    ; to object references. Returns nil if unsuccessful.
    (defun ToObject (value / symType) 
     (setq symType (type value))
    ; Vla-Object
     (if (= symType 'vla-object)                
    ; Entity Name
      (if (= symType 'ENAME)                     
       (vlax-ename->vla-object value)
    ; Handle
       (if (and (= symType 'STR)
                (setq value (handent value))         
                (entget value))                   
        (toobject value)
    ; EntSelection
        (if (and (= symType 'LIST)
                 (= (type (car value)) 'ENAME))    
         (toobject (car value))
    ; Entity List
         (if (and (= symType 'LIST)
                  (= (type (car value)) 'LIST)                                                 
                  (= (type (cdar value)) 'ENAME)     
          (toobject (cdar value))
    ; Object ID
          (if (and (= symType 'INT)
                   (= (strlen (itoa value)) 10))
           (errortrap (quote (vla-objectidtoobject 
    ;See next post for rest of code or look at attachment
    (apply 'or (mapcar 'FunctionBuild (atoms-family 1)))
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by peter; 2015-03-12 at 07:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Past Vice President / AUGI Volunteer peter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Shorter more powerful function calls

    ;; Written By: Peter Jamtgaard copyright 2015
    ;; Put property wrapper that protects the vlax-put-property expression from errors.
    ;; 1.) Converts object, ename, handle, objectid or entity list to object.
    ;; 2.) Checks to see if the property is available for the object
    ;; 3.) If the object is on a locked layer it unlocks the layer modifies the object and relocks the layer.
    ;; 4.) It opens the object for read and checks the property value against the new value.
    ;;     If the values are equivalent it ignores the open for write expression.
    ; Function for changing an objects property value. 
    ; The function checks the new value against current value 
    ; before changing the value and errortraps the put property action.
    (defun PropertyPut (objItem 
    ; Local Variables |
    ; Local Functions |
    ; Local Functions
    ;; Local Function that checks an objects layer for vla-get-locked is :vlax-true, 
    ;; Returns nil if unlocked (if unlocked) or unlocks the layer and returns the layer 
    ;; collection object
     (defun LayerLockCheck (objItem
      (if (vlax-property-available-p objItem "layer")
        (setq objLayer (vla-item (vla-get-layers 
                                  (vla-get-document objItem))                                         
                                 (vla-get-layer objItem)))
        (if (= (vla-get-lock objLayer) :vlax-true)
          (vla-put-lock objLayer :vlax-false)
    ;; Function to reset a locked layer to be locked
    ;; This function works with PropertyPut and the LayerLockCheck functions
     (defun LayerLockReset (objLayerLock)
      (if objLayerLock
       (PropertyPut objLayerLock "lock" :vlax-true)
    ; Global PropertyPut base function
     (if (and (setq objItem (ToObject objItem))
              (vlax-property-available-p objItem strProperty)
      (if (or (equal (vlax-get          objItem strProperty) value)
              (equal (vlax-get-property objItem strProperty) value)
       (setq blnReturn T)
        (setq objLayerLock (LayerLockCheck objItem))
        (if (or (= (type value) 'variant)
                (= (type value) 'SYM)
         (if (errortrap (quote (vlax-put-property objItem strProperty value)))
          (setq blnReturn T)    
         (if (errortrap (quote (vlax-put objItem strProperty value)))
           (setq blnReturn T)    
        (LayerLockReset objLayerLock)
    The rest of the code!

  3. #3
    Certifiable AUGI Addict
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    Default Re: Shorter more powerful function calls

    Looks great! Now even I may be able to write error proof code. Got a few ideas already that will be starting with (load "ShortFunctions.lsp").

    Thank you,

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