Hi everyone,

I'm really new using LISP and I don't even know how to program it (it seems really difficult to me).

I found somewhere an script from another person that export ALL blocks attributes in a drawing automatically and save it into a text file with the same name as the drawing and at the same folder (just by running it inside the drawing). That worked perfectly fine for what I needed, because it was based in ATTOUT export function.

But now, I've modified these text files and I want to import them again into the drawings using the same technique. I mean, openning the drawing and running the LISP program.
What it has to do is import the text file with the same name as the drawing (of course, with the extension ".txt"), located at the same folder, using ATTIN import function and that's all.

Here is the program that I used for exporting the attributes:

(defun c:att_out ()
(load "attout")
(setq fna (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix")
(acet-filename-path-remove (acet-filename-ext-remove (getvar "dwgname")))
(setq ss (ssget "X" '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1))))
(bns_attout fna ss)

I would be very appreciated if someone can help me make this.

Thanks a lot.