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Thread: ED220-1: Experiments with Teaching Integrated Construction Practice and Global Collaboration

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    Default ED220-1: Experiments with Teaching Integrated Construction Practice and Global Collaboration

    Session: ED220-1

    Title: Experiments with Teaching Integrated Construction Practice and Global Collaboration

    Instructor: Koshy Varghese

    Course Description: The class will cover the experiences we had over the past two years in establishing our integrated construction practice laboratory, and initiating the various activities at graduate level. The initial phases focused on getting the appropriate software to suit our requirements. The challenge was that we had architects, civil engineers, mechanical engineers and electrical engineers in our industry-supported graduate construction program, and the curriculum we developed for them had to build on knowledge which each discipline brought into the program, and impart knowledge and skills which would be useful in practice. This AU class will focus on how we iteratively developed the curriculum, the delivery methods we experimented with, and how the learning brought out the creativity in the students to undertake final year research projects using the software.
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