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Thread: FM327-1: BIM to FM: As Built or as Designed, What's in Your Inbox?

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    Default FM327-1: BIM to FM: As Built or as Designed, What's in Your Inbox?

    Session: FM327-1

    Title: BIM to FM: As Built or as Designed, What's in Your Inbox?

    Instructor: Matthew Davoren

    Course Description: We have islands of data just waiting to be put together for true collaboration. Develop a game plan for putting your Facilities Management (FM) model to use in your firm. Learn how to request and organize the Building Information Model (BIM) data to keep it in the asset category instead of the liability bucket. By presenting examples of BIM and how it flows into a Facilities Management plan, you will see several ways to plan for setup, development, and maintenance that will keep you ahead of the curve. By leveraging the information created and captured from your model, see how to maximize its use during the planning, design and construction phases to accrue benefits during the last and crucial phase of a building life cycle.
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