This is a little off topic and possibly in the wrong forum, but here goes.

I need to extract text entities from a dwg file, edit them and insert the edited text back into the dwg file. This is no problem on the computers with AutoCAD installed but I need to do this also on computers without AutoCAD installed on them. I appreciate that RealDWG is an option but the price is so exorbitant that it just cannot be justified for what will be a "one-off" job. It is also possible to do it in the cloud, but that needs a cloud based server, all of which are not appropriate here.

Does anyone know of a way to read the dwg into a database using VB.NET or C#, and then export just the various text entities from there?

Alternatively it looks like converting the dwg to dxf using a converter and extracting the text entities from the dxf file.

All suggestions will be gratefully considered.
