I apologize first, if my posting here offends anyone.

I am not an AUGI type (in fact, I do not know surveying, math, etc.). I was doing a search on 'Survey, curves, arc', and came across this posting on your forums...http://forums.augi.com/showthread.ph...nts-on-a-curve. It does look related to what I am looking for.

I am trying to take survey curve information, and (in a C# program), translate it to use in C# SkiaSharp DrawPath project. My posting here has not gotten any replies (SkiaSharp is fairly new, and there are no examples of what I am trying to do)... https://forums.xamarin.com/discussio...h-image#latest.

I am trying to convert the survey curve information to what the ArcTo method...https://developer.xamarin.com/api/me...ystem.Boolean/, is looking for..." public Void ArcTo (SKRect oval, Single startAngle, Single sweepAngle, Boolean forceMoveTo) "

oval The bounding oval defining the shape and size of the arc.
startAngle The starting angle (in degrees) where the arc begins.
sweepAngle The sweep angle (in degrees) measured clockwise.
forceMoveTo Whether to always begin a new contour with the arc.

I do not have the foggiest idea of what values from the survey curve info to use to create what is required for each of the method parameters, or how to create that info.

Even if it is just pointing me else (telling me where to go...figuratively ), I would appreciate it.