Seriously, this is one of the more annoying messages Revit has. Is there a way to turn it off globally?

I get this message a lot when piping, it is helpful when moving or resizing a pipe (or changing fittings, or connecting two pipes or... the list goes on) to let me know something is going to break (being Revit MEP I expect this to happen regularly, sometimes even when just saving to central) so I can go back and see what the issue is before trying to move or resize the pipe again.

It's more annoying when drawing a detail and there are a lot of lines being moved, trimmed, or mirrored w/o copy. Yes, I know lines won't connect when I trim a corner but I don't need a warning telling me this. If I had wanted the lines to stay connected I wouldn't be trimming, or moving or what ever now would I?

/end rant

Thank you,